Naomi's notebook

Naomi's notebook


abc184_D - increment of coins

Solution Overview This problem can be solved by Probability Dynamic Programming. We can calculate the expected times of the operation from that of when one more coin is there. if we define dp[i][j][k] as the expected times of the operation…

ABC183_E Queen on Grid

E - Queen on Grid Overall Solution You can solve this problem by dynamic programming, because if the place of Queen was decided, you can determine the number of cases of the situation and that of visiting goal from that place, uniquely. Yo…

ABC180_E Traveling Salesman among Aerial Cities

英語の練習で英語で解説記事を書いてみたいと思いますが、いつまで続くかは知りません。英語は話しているときくらいの気持ちで書くのでとてもbroken englishです… Solution Overview This problem can be solved by bitDP(Dynamic programming). …